Monday, December 21, 2009

Lazy Monday: Day 6

As the title implies, I did nothing really other than relax and try to get warm. It is bloody cold here.

I took a little walk around in the morning and then got lunch at the Hussenhuis, this historic 16th century warehouse where they have avant-garde art exhibits every once and a while. The cafe (aka bar) I have been to several times with my host as it is only a block away. There I decided to go a tad french and get a croque madame. I ended up staying for 4-5 hours as I just read my book and drank.

There I had a Grimbergen Dark, the bartender told me that sometimes people like to put a little syrup in it so i figured why not. The resulting cherry flavor mixed with the dark heavy beer was surprisingly good. It tasted like some kind of fruit juice though...even though it was like 9% alcoholic.

Afterwards I decided to go back to my favorite and have a Duvel. If I didn't mention it before it is a locally produced beer whose name means devil. And devil it is, it gets you trashed. It is a wonderful beer to sip on however so I just cradled it for an hour or so.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry,
    Been really really sick. unable to communicate coherently. pain extends throughout body and mind.
